Tuesday, December 16, 2008

CSR not a luxury

Veronique Salze-Lozach of Asia Foundation argues that CSR is not a luxury which only rich nations or large companies can afford. CSR can actually be a strategic tool to increase competitiveness of a country. Veronique, one of the key presenters at just concluded Cambodia CSR Conference, gives an account of the conference in an interesting article which can be accessed by following the below link:

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Cambodia CSR Conference 2008 a great success

The first Cambodia CSR Conference concluded with a thumping success in Phnom Penh on Nov 27-28 at Raffles Hotel Le Royal.
More than 250 delegates representing the private sector, the government and the civil society interacted with 39 speakers and panellists over two days. The issues ranged from the very basic "What is CSR" to sophisticated ones such as CSR at Workplace, Socially Responsible Investing, Corporate Governance and Climate change.
The conference objective was to find ways to deploy CSR to make Cambodia competitive. No philanthropy-charity nonsense that most other Asian CSR conferences are touting around in the name of CSR.
Participants said it was the best conference they ever attended in the fascinating Kingdom of Cambodia. It was a great satisfaction, and flattering, for me personally as the "architect" (they called me that!) of the conference. As the CSR Strategy Consultant for UNDP Cambodia, I was given the responsibility to conceive the theme and put together a conference agenda most relevant to Cambodia. And then help identify speakers and then work with the speakers to whip up thought provoking content for the two days deliberations.
All presentations are now available on the conference website: http://www.csrcambodia.com/